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Hello, nice to meet you, we’re Speel, meaning “play” in Afrikaans. A place where children can learn and grow through innovative play. We have been located in Pretoria since 2022.

Speel is founded by Melissa and Sunel. Two very energetic women, who have a passion for early childhood development. We firmly believe that the foundation of education needs to be well established in children.“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”
Proverbs 22:6.
We pride ourselves in beautiful and practical educational toys.  

Our motto is, work hard, and Speel harder! Throughout our studies it is factional that young children learn most through play. We want to create an “easy use” platform for all parents to get the best stimulation for their babies, with just a click of a button.  We aim to serve the community with a smile and loads of fun. 

We hope you enjoy browsing through our products and that you find something you LOVE. We are looking forward to making you part of the Speel community.

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